Tuesday, January 12, 2010

november ladybug

dear mallory lael,
once upon a time there was a ladybug. this ladybug lived in a church. the name of the church was peachtree city methodist church. when you see a ladybug it should remind you of other children in china like you that need mommies and daddies. these ladybugs will land on people that they think would be a good mommy or daddy. your mom was at this church telling other people about the babies in china. this particular ladybug had been waiting a long time to find someone special to land on. when she saw your mommy,she new this was the perfect person. she could tell she was kind and loved Jesus. your mom and her friend were so surprised to see this special ladybug on the second floor of the church in november! this made you mom even more excited to get you home to her and your dad. so, whenever you see a ladybug know that they are little bugs sent from Heaven to remind you of how special you are, how much your family loves you and how God chose the perfect mommy and daddy just for you!
the hart family
mike, amy, james, lynsey and jillian (from china too!)

this was given to me today by amy at exercise class...amy was the friend with me at church that evening in november... i hadn't heard the story of the ladybug before that evening when that tiny ladybug landed on my left shoulder... i've always loved ladybugs,who hasn't...i know have a heartfelt love for them...as you can image after reading this precious letter i began to cry (which i do often these days...happy tears) this letter was attached to a 8x8 piece of material with ladybugs on it... this will be a very special square on mallory lael's wish quilt...here i go crying again...God has touched my inner most area of my heart with this little girl...a little girl i've never met and i truly don't know at all...but oh how my heart loves her fully, completely and unconditionally.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,

    I didn't know exactly what the symbolism of the ladybug was but it gives me goosebumps for you and the fact that during the month of October and even into November, our home had so many (we'd never had in here before) and were landing on all of us like crazy. OCTOBER was the month we raced ahead with our adoption and received our referral and PA on Luke. Now I'm the one with tears!

