Sunday, January 10, 2010

the call

as i begin to post the amazing morning kent & I have had i'd like to thank you for your patience in my writing skills...may not be a surprise to you guys but writing isn't my strong i read other's blogs (yes, i know i'm not suppose to compare myself to others) i find my posting skills are awful but who's checking right ;0)

i've been struggling for weeks with the call God has clearly placed on kent & my hearts...i feel insecure that i don't have the tools to do this....when i have these questions God makes it crystal clear that kent & i are the perfect parents for mallory lael....i'd like to saynot for one second have kent or i felt that we're not listening to what God has called us to do...clearly this is a step of faith...i've been asked by more people than i can begin to number Why are you doing this? today God spoke CLEARLY to both kent & i while at church...pastor mark sermon today was titled The Call he talked about how abraham was called by God to do something and abraham had no idea where he was going or what he was doing....i'm glad God has made it clear that we are to adopt mallory lael....we all should desire to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ...we can't follow God's lead if we don't know God personally...with following God there is always a RISK...when you are doing something for God satan will without a doubt put up a fight against us....satan will make us doubt that we've heard what God has asked us to do....for example...if i've heard more than once YOUR TO OLD to adopt a child your 46 years old you'll be 66 when mallory lael is 20 OMG what are you thinking....God isn't so concerned about our lives being easy...yeah, that is what pastor mark said.
WHY should the sisler family be better off then an orphan in an orphanage??? God loves mallory lael and all the orphans as much as he loves those of us who have homes, families, cars, jobs, friend, heat, food, a shower to jump in, soap, tooth brush, microwave, running water (everyone of these things i take for granted...guess what an orphan doesn't have the luxury of any of these things)the list goes on and on....when God calls us to do something "out of our box" with Gods command is enablement God will enable you to do what you feel your unable to do....for the last 10 weeks i've been anxious about many things i've prayed to God about my anxieties but again He makes me aware that this is His plan for His kingdom.

a summary of andrea:
*knowing what to expect
*having it done before it needs to be done
*i don't care for surprises at all that takes the control away from me...yes, i do like to have control over my life my children's lives, even kent's life...image that!
*being a step ahead of the game
*dotting all the "i" and crossing all the "t"
*everything in it's place... aka neat freak...ocd... comes by many names
do you get my drift??? i'm about control...not just control TOTAL CONTROL

with adoption you have very little control...that is why this has been a challenge for me to say the least...if you want a play by play talk to amy hart she's been my sounding board since day one of this adoption...what a great friend she's been and i LOVE her so much i know when God brings you to something He will bring you through it...a PROMISE from our Heavenly Father...God is faithful to His promise...i often ask God to give me a glimpse of what He has in store for us & mallory lael or tell someone else so they can tell me :) or even better tell other's what His plan for our family & mallory lael so other's will understand.

kent & i for the first time ever went to the alter to be anointed with oil this morning....when pastor mark touched both of us with the oil he spoke exactly what was on kent & my heart....feeling we were not capable of doing what God has called us to was as if kent & i had told pastor mark what we were thinking and he repeated it.... we didn't say a word to pastor mark prior to him anointing us with oil...God through pastor mark affirmed once again that we've been called to adopt mallory lael....that path may not be smooth, straight but this is indeed The Call for us to adopt mallory lael...

i love mallory lael just like i love garrett & natalie...that may be difficult for some of you to understand but...90%of people have said mallory lael looks just like natalie did when she was a baby...mallory lael is a part of me.... i know have 3 children... i'm not waiting until she is handed to me in china to call her my daughter she's my daughter always...wo shi ni de ma ma (pronouched wo shir nee duh mah mah) that means I am your mommy in mandarin those are the first words i will say to mallory lael when she is handed to me...then i will tell her wo i nee means I lOVE YOU.

malloey lael's my daughter since october 2009 when God called us to be her parents.... i serve a might God. He's in control. i feel i'm not talented enough to do any of this. but God enables me. my responsibility is to do what i can." quote from lois secrist... i can't do this alone not even with kent we can only do this with the grace of God....we're so happy to be chosen to be mallory lael's parents...friends & family she's going to be awesome we'll all be for the better when we meet mallory lael...i promise!

1 comment:

  1. Andrea,

    I know exactly how you feel....when the calling is strong and God opens doors....we can only feel inadequate, but trust Him to guide us through. It is a hard to explain to someone that hasn't been there how you love Mallory and we love Luke....and yes I feel the same way...I won't "have" 3 children when I get to China...I have 3 now! And we are getting some of the same feedback as you...I'm 46 and my husband 49 and folks don't "get" it!

    We've known about Luke since October too...our timelines may be similiar!

    Have a great week!
