Tuesday, January 26, 2010

as we wait for the next stage of the adoption...i am perplexed at the amount of puzzle pieces that need to be placed into the entire puzzle...we have many puzzle pieces but not all of them fit in the puzzle yet.
we have been blessed with many people who are helping us to fill in this puzzle...the puzzle pieces we've been given haven't came over night...i often think why can't someone pick up the phone and get an answer? it doesn't work that way in the international adoption world...your always waiting on an email or a phone call from someone else waiting on an email...always waiting...during these times of waiting i can see how God is working on me...i told my mom just last night mallory lael has no idea how many people are working to find the pieces to her puzzle...i pray in some way she knows she has a family...

1 comment:

  1. andrea...i know this full well. keep in mind, though we see only the separate and incomplete pieces, our Jesus sees the entire picture with clarity and perfect comprehension. He knows where each piece connects and when it needs to be added...best of all...He doesn't need the box to finish it. He designed it.
    we are learning so much through this process, are we not? =) be blessed today.
