Saturday, December 5, 2009

God brings two families together

okay her is how this story begins...i found out 2 days ago that a family in fayetteville, GA (where i live) is adopting a child from baotou, swi inner mongolia (same orphange mallory is in) (the mom)and i finally get to talk after playing phone & i both are nurses... both worked at the same hospital not only that but we know each other...we live less then 5 miles from each other...God has known all along that mallory & shiloh (kim's daughter) would be together in baotou and live in the same town in the states...shiloh's birthday is november 11 she just turned 2...mallorys birthday is november 9 she just turned the orphanage they most likely are in the same room together...with all the reading kent & i have done one of the best out comes is if you can get together with children from the same orphanage your child came from...who would of ever imaged that mallory would have a friend 5 miles from her home???? i sure wouldn't & her family will be traveling to baotou in april...when she goes she'll be able to take video's and pictures of mallory (hopefully ;) if the orphanage will allow this...some times they allow pictures to be taken of other children sometimes they don't...whatever the outcome the end result will be that mallory & shiloh will be reunited again...


  1. Andrea,

    God is SO good and never ceases to amaze me the way He works! I have a story concerning another adoptive parents and how God brought us together through events only He could have put together. Here's the link to that post, if you would like to read it:

    I think it's wonderful that your girls will be friends and that ya'll live so close! :)


  2. Wow! How special for your daughters to have each other so close. Is Kim on the Inner Mongolia list? We've had so many new members, I've lost track of all the names.

