Tuesday, November 17, 2009

the beginning

10-22-09 i read a file on a little girl from china....that was it....i was drawn to this little baby from the moment i read her file and saw her picture...then i read her story....amazing,miracle & unbelievable are a few words to describe what mallory has been through in her short life....she's a survivor we know that already....God's finger prints all over mallory....

mallory story: when mallory's mother was pregnant, she was told that the baby she was carrying had severe organ deformities (saw this on the ultrasound) and probably would not live. God had a plan for mallory so she was born alive, even at 35 weeks. due to her prematurity the police feel she was abandoned because her parents would't be able to care for her. she was found by a man across the street in a bush directly across the street from the hospital. this mane took her home and his family decided to keep her and try to raise her. the man of the family went to the hospital to get premature nipples to feed her with after approximately 6 days she wasn't eating well. she was taken to the police station, the man explained he'd found her in the bush across the street from the hospital. she was taken to the hospital and seen by an american doctor, on admission the doctor could find no abnormalities at all, and aside from being jaundiced, thought the baby seemed pretty stable.

she had a CT Scan done on 10-27-09 results NORMAL....many questions were answered by serena, she lives in china and cares for premature orphanages.... she was working when mallory was admitted to china care on november 13. 2008 at day 6 of her life....her birthday is november 9. 2008....she weighed 3# 13oz (at 6 days of life birth weight we'd estimate to be 1-1.5 lbs larger) she was jaundice, dehydrated and tiny....other wise in very good health for a premature baby....estimated gestational age was 30 weeks after a few day of obtaining more information myself and other neonatal nurses and dr. ade (a God sent) plotted mallory at 34-35 weeks gestation at birth....10.31.09 janell sent me a video of mallory....i opened the video and saw mallory....it was priceless to see her sitting in that crib....kent, natalie, garrett & i all were hooked after watching the video....she's precious....her development is in line with a 1 year old age even with her prematurity....she's very smart i can already tell ;).... we requested an MRI be done on her to assess her small head circumference....God had it done in record time....on 11.12.09 the MRI was done....11.13.09 results NORMAL....Thank you Jesus....that is a very short version of the beginning of our adoption journey....we will travel to china in 7-10 months....WOW that seems like forever....God will use this time to prepare us for our new daugther....of course work on my patience because i want to go get her NOW... God's timing is perfect i will have to remind myself of that several times a day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm completely thrilled for you -- but even more so for Mallory. It's wonderful that you are blogging this season of your life. What a precious gift not only for Mallory, but for everyone who graces these pages. May God continue to bless this child and your whole family for obeying Him by caring for widows and orphans... love you all so dearly. Norma
