Thursday, January 7, 2010

God Word says we are responsible to take care of there are 143 million orphans...
proverbs 24:12 if you say, "but we know nothing about this," does not He who weighs the heart perceive it? does not He who guards your life know it? will He not repay each person according to what He has done? once you've been told of the call from God to adopt the orphans it is hard to walk away...God can be relentless if He in deed puts this on your heart....many people have asked us "WHY, are you adopting a baby? your in the "easy stage" now?" i will smile & simply say "it's a God thing."
i once heard in a sermon Break my heart God with the things that break Your heart i for one, have no doubt God's heart is broken when He sees all the orphans that need homes.

FYI: did you know that ester was an orphan...God had great plans for her... now didn't He.
moses was an orphan as was samuel.
i know in my heart that God has mighty plans for mallory lael...i told natalie just the other day how i feel that mallory lael will be a quit child...who loves to read...totally opposite of us loud sisler's...when i think about mallory lael i get a sense of peace.

i know adoption clearly isn't for everyone...what i mean is not everyone can actually adopt a child...that is truly okay...there is one thing we can ALL do, PRAY...this is a how prayers from total strangers made a difference in mallory lael's life...back in november 2009 i was given the name of the family that had considered adopting mallory...for some reason i felt a desire to call this women, i introduced myself and told her i had gotten her phone number etc.... she was kind and shared with me that she and her husband had prayed that a famiy with older chidren would adopt mallory lael...she then told me abotu lia kate, a little girl in china that they were adopting....they just came back from china in decemeber with lia kate...i proceeded to tell her about our family that we did have older chidren...i could hear a change in her voice and felt she was touched by the fact that we had older children... then i told her we were adopting mallory lael...she then asked me what we would name her i told her mallory lael panyue sisler...she again became emotional and said "that is the perfect name for her"...through there prayers for mallory lael to find a forever home with older children...God has chosen us to be her family...i can't tell you how many total strangers and incidence have occured that keep reminding me that this is all about God...not about the sisler's adopting a little girl from is about God....mallory lael isn't even here yet and she is already making an impact, on us most defiantly but also on many others...again i will ask that you PRAY for all the orphans in this world....mallory lael is one of the fortunate orphans, she has a family, she has no clue that we are working diligently to bring her can go to maybe you'll see an orphan that catches your eye or heart...pray for that child...they've been given names.... mallory is on that site under the name will see MATCHED by her photo...that means she has a family that is adopting her, that would be US ;)...
i am thankful that God has chosen us to be her family...we're the lucky one for sure.

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